Sunday, August 13, 2006

Another list of random things

Okay, this is another random entry...
this time, to clear notes that have accumulated around my home, on scraps of paper and sticky notes. I'm trying to live a more clutter-free life, so here's getting rid of the notes, and recording them onto the Interwebs for posterity's sake.

People I've lost track of (that I wish I hadn't)
most of them from my life in Eugene
Colin Morgan - a good male friend from that time period, who I met through a guy who was in my stand-up comedy group. From the house of the questionably heterosexual, took a road trip to a college friend's wedding with me. Moved away to Chicago to architecture school about the same time I moved back to LA for Comedy World. Lost email touch, have no idea where he is these days.
Brett Lieberman - a friend of Jen's from Ohio who I became email (pen) pals with, and who I actually met in person when he came to Oregon to visit. Lost email touch. I'm sure he still lives in Ohio.
Kurt Loyd - dated briefly in Eugene, worked at the student radio station with me. Broke my heart, 'cause he strung me along. Was a few years older than me. Contacted me by email a few times, was shocked by my honesty over being heartbroken. His email addresses are no good.
Kris Hansen (Kristin James Broder Hansen) - was a friend of a musician I knew, Lael Alderman. Lived in Portland when I lived in Eugene. Dated briefly, long distance, and intensely. Broke up with me because it was too much for him. We stayed in touch by letter for a while, but then lost email touch when I was dating B.
Jeff Marion - co-worker from Harvest House publishers who shared musical interests and listened to my radio program.

(if you know where any of these people are, please let me know... They popped into my head one night of nostalgia and melancholy)

Just over two weeks ago, after a conversation with the pastoral counselor I've been seeing (therapist, but not a shrink), I went online and took a facsimile of a Myers-Briggs Personality Test. My results, on two different sites, were ENFJ (Extrovert Intuition Feeling Judging). I decided to take it after we discussed my extroversion, and some of the parts of my personality that I'm working on.

Mat Kearney, Nothing to Lose (song) - saw on middle of the night VH1
Ian Brown - British singer
The Scruffs - Wanna Meet the Scruffs (original album) & Teenage Gurls (album) - read about in a magazine on a shift at the bookstore. Reminiscent of Big Star and influence Clash, Nick Lowe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you wanna find them, why?!

Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:30:00 PM  
Blogger alicia said...

I'm an INTP - no big surprise.
Have you googled any of these folks?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity I took the test. I'm ISFP. How is your search for old friends going?
GM Pat

Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's called Google, dear...and I'm still sorry. =]

Monday, December 18, 2006 8:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you find colin tell him Dairy Queen Vanilla soft serve dipped in chocolate is looking for him too.

Friday, November 21, 2008 11:15:00 PM  

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