Sunday, October 16, 2005

social networking

So, I got asked out today. In a very odd manner... which then became WEIRDER.

I was leaving Starbucks with my morning (afternoon, really) latte on the way to work at the bookstore. I had finished going through the used newspaper bin, as I do, looking for the Target ad, coupon sections, and other interesting sections (sometimes I luck upon a funnies section, or the NY Times Magazine, or other such). I had a wonderful conversation while ordering with the barista, a friendly girl by the name of Julie, who I've seen many times over the past few years. Turns out she is an adjunct professor of lit at U of M (University of Memphis) and has an MFA in Lit, and writes fiction. pretty cool conversation, all together, and I love meeting people with similar interests, especially in a coffee shop.

So, anyway, I was leaving Starbucks with my papers and my latte, when a guy comes up, and asks me my name. Being polite, I tell him, and shake his hand. Then he tells me I'm very pretty. I say, thank you, I'm flattered. He asks me if I'd like to go out sometime. I tell him, thanks for asking, but I've recently broken up, and I'm just not there yet. He said something about taking a chance, he's very nervous, and that his hands are shaking... He held them up to prove it, and they were. He was a plain-looking guy, with blue eyes and shaved bald (but balding anyway) head, and a bit on the pudgy side. I would place him as being approximately the same age as me, but not certain to his age. We awkwardly chatted a bit more, and I ended up taking down his name and number, just to be polite and end the conversation. He said his name was "Dustin, like the household chore". Somehow, in this exchange, I mentioned I was heading to work at the bookstore. (not quite thinking, just talking... and I know better than that.)

Sure enough, about an hour or two into my bookstore shift, he strolls on into the store. I had told Donna, the artist on duty, about my bizarre asking out, and so alerted her to his entrance into the store. She told me to go to the bookstore side, and be sweet. I tried. He stayed for over an hour and a half, just hanging out and shopping and listening to me chat with regulars (like Bob, who is an older man who comes in every Sunday, and who is dealing with his health and doctors visits and such, and who hangs out for at least a half hour scowling and making conversation) and customers. Little awkward guy hovered around the counter for a while, telling me he liked self-help books and stuff, and especially books that helped him be smarter. Was telling me about a brain power book, and used a word that made me cringe, though I can't remember it now - one of those words that isn't a word, that people who are trying to sound smarter use. I tried to be polite, but nothing further, until he finally left and asked me to call him sometime.

I feel bad, really, because I want to be networking, but I know that this guy isn't someone I want to spend any time with. He kinda gave me the creeps, and I don't want to lead weird fellas on. I wanted to take his asking me out as a compliment, and move on, but his coming into the bookstore killed that vibe and left me weirded out. And he knows where I work, at least on the weekend.


Blogger Victoria said...

Be careful sweety. He is probably harmless but you can never be too sure. On the days you work at the bookstore, be sure someone walks you out to your car and just keep your eyes open. Make sure you lock your front door the minute you get inside your house...I know you know all these things but the thought of you living there on your own makes me a little bit nervous when something like this comes up.
You ARE cute and friendly and approachable and all of these things are excellent, wonderful qualities... love you! A-V

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:51:00 PM  

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