Wednesday, October 26, 2005

silent world

Another day of not talking to anyone since before my nap... So, since approximately 2:30 ish, I've only heard my TV and the sound of myself laughing out loud or talking to myself.
I'm still suffering through my weird cold thing - it's all post-nasal drip and sore throat and malaise. I'm not really congested, but I'm not really hungry either. So, I'm consuming a lot of fluids (tea, gatorade, water) and soups. (thanks to D & Kiren for bringing me sick person supplies yesterday evening.) Tonight, I made myself a cup of homemade cocoa. I burnt my tongue, but I enjoyed the mug.
the silence and time to myself leads me to think, and think, and think. The insomnia that I've had recently (from the brain-in-overdrive and the fluishness) has only fueled the thinking... and the weird dreams disturb me, and challenge me in the waking hours to figure out what they mean. A lot of them are about B, which is a "no duh!" thing, but they are more about me and my responses to my situation.
heck, I don't know. I'm not really clear right now.
there are about 2 or 3 different things I have had knocking about in my head to write - six degrees of me, me and love and B, and others - but I haven't been able to bring myself to write them.
Right now, I feel like this blog is just me talking to myself, in writing. And while that's therapeutic, it also helps to know that people are out there "listening to" (reading) what I have to say. But, then, that's my neediness and need to be a part of things manifesting itself there.

long live VH1 - both the regular and the classic. I heart the 80's 3D is on this week, so I've been watching that... and right now, Classic is running The Alternative, and I've seen Flock of Seagulls ( I think it was space age love song), a Husker Du song, Dramarama's Anything, Anything, and right now, slightly annoying me, is L7's Pretend that we're dead.
OOOOHHH! It's Black Flag, featuring what looks to be a 15-year-old Henry Rollins, in the video for TV Party. A black and white TV, a fridge full of generic beers and the king of beers, mentions in the lyrics of That's Incredible, Hill Street Blues, Dallas, Dynasty. It's an early punk group getting drunk in a really crappy quality video, with deplorable lip-synching, throwing beers at each other. classic early music video!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what I find scarier: you having flu-induced delusions, or you recounting the music of my childhood...

Thursday, October 27, 2005 12:23:00 AM  
Blogger Victoria said...

I am so loving the newest "I love the 80's 3d" too! I was just telling K last night that it is so comforting listening to the commentaries because it feels like they are speaking from my own head. I am especially loving anything Wil Wheaton says because he is my new him!
Ok, I have exposed way too much dork now.

Thursday, October 27, 2005 12:30:00 PM  

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