Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'd have to say it was a good day...

Yesterday. Saturday. Wonderful day.
Started early. I was out of bed at 6:30 am, as I had made arrangements with D & Kiren to be picked up at 7:00-7:15 am. We planned to carpool to the Race for the Cure in Germantown. So, I got up with the alarm, tended to my morning ablutions, took my allergy medication, and had some juice. Kiren called around 7, said they were running a little late, and would be by to pick me up soon. They picked me up around 7:30, and we headed east. We stopped at Starbucks and caffeinated, and, with a little effort, found the shuttle bus location, where we waited for about 10 minutes.
We got to the "Lifestyle center" the event was based at, walked around and got a few freebies (most importantly, the cotton version of the ford-Lilly Pulitzer scarf), and waited to meet up with Tonya & Rob-Bob and Tonya's kids. I hadn't seen the girls in at least a year, and they were fun as always. It started to warm up nicely when we got walking around 9 am. (it had started out a bit chilly in the morning, but we had all dressed in layers.) Tonya's girls both wanted to hold Miss Jessica's hand, and I spent most of the walk minding one or the other, giving T some grown-up time. Then the girls discovered the novelty of Miss Kiren and Mister D, and had even more fun. We walked the 1 k "Family Fun Walk", so it was a short, not very taxing walk. Probably the most physically demanding part was when I gave her younger daughter (4 years old, 40 lbs) a piggy back ride for the last portion of the walk. Though, it wasn't as hard on me as it was on Mister D - T's older daughter asked him for a back ride, and she's 6 and weighs over 60 lbs. The walk was fun, the time spent with Tonya & Rob-Bob and the girls was fun, and I'm glad we all signed up and did it.
After the walk, the stores at the center were open for business. D, Kiren & I walked around Williams-Sonoma, taking in the wonderful aroma of that store. Everything, as always, was ridiculously priced, but that's part of the fun, really. And I got a latte made in the store, from my dream cappuccino machine, priced at the not-really-affordable-for-anyone price of $3200 (not including tax). But, man, is it a beautiful machine - a milk thermos, water reservoir, coffee grinder, everything completely automated. It would be the office coffee machine of my dreams. D&Z would LOVE it. :)
Anyway, we came out of the store, and met back up with T & Co... who, citing child peakedness, bowed out of hanging any more. We continued to shop our back to the shuttle stop, and had a great time at The Gap. Kiren and I both bought the same jacket (same color, same size, even), vowing to make sure we didn't wear it to the same social occasions. After some worry, we caught the last shuttle bus back to the car, and a nice conversation with a male cheerleading coach (our ages, roughly, and kinda cute - and we discerned he wasn't married. didn't swap numbers, but I did convince him to listen to the radio show).
As we were driving back down Poplar, we spotted the spice store that we always want to go to, but is never open when we are out there. It's called Penzey's Spices, and it's a fragrant, affordable, cook's heaven. I bought two small jars - ground mustard and turmeric. Kiren & D bought a bunch of stuff, and Kiren will probably return after she's gone through the recipes at home, and sees what else the cupboards are missing.
Down the way from Penzey's was a creperie & cafe, called Le Creperie. We stopped and had lunch there, even though we had been grazing our way through the day. I LOVE crepes, and haven't made them in an awful long time (I lack the proper 7" saucepan, though I had a fantastic recipe that I made quite often when I was younger). D & Kiren had some brunchy-style crepes, and I had a simple jack cheese savory crepe and an apricot jam coated dessert style crepe. We sat for a little while, then headed back out to do more driving and errands.
We still had our workout clothes on, me wearing my tight stretchy 'yoga' pants that I normally wear for Pilates. Sadly, I don't have ANY other workout clothes (not even sweats), so that was my choice of attire. Thank god the event shirt was long enough to cover my bum, so I wasn't showing the world the lumpy mis-shapen bits. :)
D & Kiren wanted to check out a park as a possible wedding site, and asked if I minded tagging along. Off we went to the local nature center, whose facilities were lacking what the engaged couple desired. There was a quite funny moment when the employee said the indoors could be used in inclement weather, though the taxidermy exhibit couldn't be moved. The taxidermy included a buffalo, beaver, bobcat, and other dead, stuffed, local animals. We imagined people doing vows with a threatening-looking cat staring them down. We quietly giggled, and headed on to the next stop, an Indian restaurant, to find out if they did catering for the wedding reception.
We then headed back towards Cordova, to a furniture store which was featuring a super-bankruptcy-going-out-of-business-everything-must-go sale (which seem to be de rigeur around here). D was interested in finding some specific pieces, none of which pleased him at this store. Kiren and I did get to use the facilities, and we got to giggle at the ridiculous art one always finds at furniture stores.
At this point, we were exhausted, and we headed back to the other side of memphis, so they could drop me home. Kiren finally got to see my little apartment (I have her the 5 cent tour; D had been inside at a party I held there a LONG time ago). They headed home, and I headed down for a nap.
I was woken at around 5-ish, when G called to see if I was still planning to go to the Grizzlies game. I bowed out, as I was still groggy and exhausted. I actually had a nice night in, enjoying my own company, and watched movies (Dodgeball from Netflix) and TV by myself. Convinced myself to not order food out, and went to bed by midnight. Like I said, good company, good friends, good cause, a little shopping, good food, good weather, et cetera, et cetera. It was a good day.


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