Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Perspective Epiphany, courtesy of Nicole

Nicole, the genius, called me up just a little while ago with this to ponder. She said she had one of those days with people quibbling over the little shit to give her a big picture epiphany.

It's all about perspective.

Does B make me happy? Does the happiness I get being with him outweigh the sadness?

If the answer is yes, that he makes me happy, and I could deal with the sadness because of the happiness, then screw the rest.
If he doesn't, if I think that I could be happier with someone else, that I could live with my current sadness because I believe there is someone out there who could make me happier, than that's the answer.

I think I got that right. Nicole, if you read this, and I'm screwing it all up, let me know.

oh, and special thanks to Jen for the handy-dandy cut-and-paste monologue for the next time I'm talking to B.

other random thoughts:
this is the first time in nearly 5 years that I am making decisions for myself, by myself.

When I moved here, I was still with S, and was always thinking of him. You know, I figured he'd move out here to be with me, and I was always kind of planning with him in mind. I got a two-bedroom apartment (that I could barely afford), so we'd have space. I didn't get a lot of furniture, 'cause I thought he'd bring his with. And so on.

I was definitely always thinking of B when we together (and even during our "off" periods). That was actually one of our bones of contention. I would always think of the effects of anything (a possible new job, a move, a trip, etc) on "us", whereas, though my opinion mattered, the decisions he made were always with himself first in priority. We consulted each other (as friends and lovers do) about things, but I think I sometimes took his opinion more seriously than I took my own.

it's like, I'm just remembering how to think on my own, for myself, and to trust my own opinion.
something to ponder


Blogger Victoria said...

you are in such a healthy place...even though you may not believe it because of how you are feeling sad right now...but just because you have sad feelings about something, doesn't mean that you are not growing and learning and evolving as an "individual" person.
I am so proud of you...
in the immortal words of that random late 80's band The Pursuit of Happiness...
"I'm an adult now"
welcome to the club!
e-mail me when you get a chance to catch me up on all the random stuff.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 11:51:00 AM  

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