Monday, April 10, 2006

Some people never grow up

without getting into unnecessary details, I've once again learned:
that you can actually trust less people than you think you can...
that women don't have a monopoly on idle, destructive gossip...
that, apparently, some people never stop being 13-years-old...
that trust is something i give too easily...
that being grown-up does not equal being a "grown-up"...
that an interesting "secret" can spread over states and phone lines and email faster than a Topanga Canyon wildfire...
that I do have some true friends, but less than I had imagined I had...

Is it too much to ask that people in their late 20's and early 30's should behave as adults?
Why can't people be f-ing grown ups?

This seems to be a specific problem of mine of late... people who are adults who don't act, react, or behave in a manner befitting their age and station in life.

I'm so aggravated, frustrated, and annoyed... I'm also sad, upset, and naseous... and disappointed.

Why are people such shits?


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