Monday, September 19, 2005

thank you for being a friend

My friend and former co-worker tonya told me today that knowing me somewhat inspired her to go back to college and finish her degree. She said knowing me let her know how much she didn't know. I didn't quite know whether to apologize for that.

I'm also posting this as a thank you to all of my friends and family who have come through for me in the past 2 days. I appreciate everyone's words of encouragement and wisdom in these recent days.

I will be posting to this forum as a bit of a "bridget jones diary" as the days pass. I think it will help me work through feelings and reactions and everything.

today's vices:
chocolate units: one brownie (bought from the bakesale for the NICU at LeBonheur Children's Medical Center, so the calories have been balanced out by the helping of the tiny babies)
decaf latte & tiramisu: bought as a pick-me-up by Tonya, after she encouraged me to shower and leave the house today.
nail-polish: 4 pack of OPI sample size of pinks, bought to complete the mandatory post-break-up pedicure (on Jen's helpful checklist of things to do to not focus on my misery). Have not used said nail-polish for pedicure yet.
free makeover at Origins: entire face of makeup done by nice new employee Debi. I did buy a discounted pack of greeting cards, so she at least made a sale off me tonight.

My eating habits are bit erratic, though I'm trying to pay attention.

Short-term goals:
  • get my eyebrows professionally shaped (waxed) for the first time in my life. (it's got to be quicker and less painful than the one bikini wax I've had.)
  • get all charity donation items out of my house.
  • redefine personal and career goals.
  • redefine list of desired things in a man / partner.

so, I think that's all for tonight. I need to get to sleep, as I am up at 4 am for work.

I'll keep you updated!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We mature, we need different things in our lives. So, why shouldn't the make-up of the right person change as well?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 1:00:00 PM  

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